Delivery Information

What are the delivery charges?

Delivery charge varies with different pin location. Sellers incur relatively higher shipping costs on low value items. In such cases, charging a nominal delivery charge helps them offset logistics costs. Please check your order summary to understand the delivery charges for individual products. For few Products a minimum charge Rs 40 charge for delivery per item is applied if the order value is less than Rs 5000. While, orders of Rs 5000 or above are delivered free.

What is the probable delivery time?

We generally procure and ship the items on the same day or maximum by the next business day. Business days exclude public holidays and Sundays. Your product delivery timing will be between 6-10 days from the date of order. In case of Bulk order, we will communicate to the client about the estimated timing of delivery.

Any hidden costs on items sold by Vedic Health Solutions?

There are NO hidden charges when you make a purchase on Vedic Health Solutions . List prices are final and all-inclusive. The price you see on the product page is exactly what you would pay.


Please enter your default pin code on the product page (you don’t have to enter it every single time) to know more accurate delivery times on the product page itself.